Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Almost there...

So we're chuggin along... I'm pretty sure we have all of the parts, it's just a matter of finishing the construction. For instance, we're going to have a more sturdy center connecting the two circles instead of just having a single wooden dowel. Not only that, but that helps the problem of needing to attach the circles to the centre dowel. We've made the frame and the circles and the blades, and we're working on the motor. with any luck it'll be done by tomorrow (well, it sort of has to...) and it'll be up and generating electricity by friday!

1 comment:

GeekTeach said...

Here is an email from Robert Schongalla:

"..Oh, Wendy and I did to some gardening at her rock garden near the wind machines. They have been fun to watch – each performing under very different wind conditions. The multi-pin-wheel one works frequently under low wind. The large one with the bicycle fork really took off and spun quite fast and loudly at one point. The modified Savonius (sp) spins, too. (Haven't seen the wooden one move.) Great project!!!..."

and another from Andy Lawrence, Ethan's dad:

Thank you for sending me your note and links, it is great to see the
progress SBS can make when working together.
Good luck wind farming!
Have fun (not always easy)!.."

and from Ann Sauderson:

"..They look beautiful. I’d like to see them there forever…or perhaps a hundred more!..."
